Keep your solar system performing to its optimum

It’s important to regularly maintain your system to keep it working as effectively as possible. We offer a number of services to do just that.

Remote monitoring – this comes as standard with any system we install, in addition to you being able see how your system is performing real-time through an app, so can we. We’re alerted if a fault or system outage occurs, and we can often rectify it without you even knowing. If not, we’ll contact you and come out to resolve it. This isn’t something that happens a lot, but you have peace of mind in case it does.

Bird proofing – if birds become a problem, sitting on and soiling your panels we can bird-proof them using pest protection mesh and specialised solar panel clips.

Panel cleaning – an annual clean of your solar panels is recommended which should be carried out by specialists. We offer a yearly panel cleaning service, you can sign up for this at the point of installation or just get in touch when the time comes round.

Wiring check – don’t forget your electrics. Wiring throughout any residential building should be tested and maintained every 10 years. We can carry out an electrical survey to ensure your property is safe and recommend any remedial work to ensure everything is running as efficiently as it can.

Get in touch to arrange a system maintenance today.